Fayetteville Register-Herald

Eric received a feature article in the Fayetteville Register-Herald by local reporter Sarah Plummer, regarding his stay in Fayetteville, West Virginia, and the reception for the New River Gorge Winter Writer Residency that Eric was awarded:
“Eric is exactly the kind of talented writer we had in mind when we first developed the idea of the Writer-in-Residence program.”
“Fayetteville welcomes writer-in-residence Eric Shonkwiler
FAYETTEVILLE — Welcome the 2015 New River Gorge Winter Writer-in-Residence Eric Shonkwiler at a reception, 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Thursday, at The Cathedral Cafe in downtown Fayetteville.
Novelist Eric Shonkwiler will live at Lafayette Flats in downtown Fayetteville from January through March while working on his own writing as well as contributing to the Lafayette Flats’ blog, according to a Lafayette Flats press release.
Shonkwiler is the author of Above All Men, a 2014 novel published by MG Press. The book tells the story of war veteran David Parrish who fights to keep his family and farm together during an economic collapse in America.
He has recently completed a sequel.
While in Fayetteville, Shonkwiler will work on a new novel set in the 1920s and 1930s. The story is set in Pennsylvania at the end of World War I and follows the Bonney family into West Virginia during the mine wars.
“Eric is exactly the kind of talented writer we had in mind when we first developed the idea of the Writer-in-Residence program,” said Lafayette Flats co-owner Shawn Means. Means and his wife Amy McLaughlin will host the residency.
“We hope that Eric’s future writing will be informed by what he experiences here in the Gorge, and that he will help us tell the real story of West Virginia and its people,” Means said.
Lafayette Flats is a four-unit luxury vacation rental located in a recently renovated 111-year-old former bank building in the Fayetteville Historic District.”
Search Tags: Eric Shonkwiler, Above All Men, Register Herald, Lafayette Flats