Eric was featured in an article by Showme Slim Shady in the humor newspaper, The Missouri Sentinal, about his St. Louis author reading with Fred Venturini, Scott Phillips, and James Brubaker, on his 35-stop national book tour, which made a stop at St Louis’ Book House, Inc. The tagline of the newspaper is “T’ lates’ Nuze translatered inta Missouri Gangsta!”:
“Local autha readn’: Eric Shonkwila, Scott Phillipz, Fre’ Vinturini, & Jamez Brubaka
Local authorz Scott Phillipz an’ Jamez Brubaka an’ Midwes’ autha Fre’ Vinturini, join autha Eric Shonkwila on dude St. Louiz book tour stop n’ support uv dude debut novel, Above All Men, release’ earlia dis year from MG Prezz. Da free readn’ evint will take place at Da Book Crib, 7352 Manchesta Road n’ Maplewood, on Thursday, Septemba 11th, at 7 p.m. All uv da authorz will read from they own currint work, an’ bookz will be available fo’purchase an’ signn’.
Eric Shonkwila haz dunha writn’ appear n’ Loz Angelez Review uv Bookz, Da Millyunz, Fiddleblack, [PANK] Magazine, Midwestern Gothic, an’ elsewhea. Dude receive’ dude MFA n’ Ficshun from Universitee uv California–Riverside, whea dude wuz da recipiint uv da Chancella’z Distinguishe’ Fellowship Award. Dude debut novel, Above All Men, chosen az a 2014 Midwes’ Connecshunz Pick by da Midwes’ Indepindent Bookzellerz Associashun, be about a farma wiff PTSD struggln’ ta keep dude fami an’ farm togetha n’ da wake uv a near-futua economic collapse an’ n’ da face uv Steinbeckian dus’ ztormz, murda, an’ lawlezznezz unseen since da Wild Wes’.
Scott Phillipz wuz born an’ raise’ n’ Kansaz, an’ live’ fo’many yearz n’ France. Da autha uv eite book-lingth workz uv ficshun, dude also workz az a screinwrita. Dude firs’ novel, Da Ice Harves’, won da California Book Award fo’ Bes’ Firs’ Ficshun, an’ wuz made inta a featua film directe’ by Harold Ramiz an’ starrn’ John Cusack, Bil Bob Thornton, an’ Connie Nielsen. Phillipz’ lates’ novel, Hop Alley, continuez da story uv ’n earlia novel, Cottonwood, returnn’ readerz ta da Wild Wes’ wiff familiar characterz livn’ near da part uv town known az Hop Alley n’ da frontia town uv Dinva n’ 1878.
Fre’ Vinturini grew up n’ Patoka, Illinoiz. Dude short ficshun haz do be publishe’ n’ Noir at da Bar 2 an’ Surreal South ’13, an’ dude story, “Gasoline,” be feature’ n’ Chuck Palahniuk’z Burnt Tonguez collecshun. Dude livez n’ Southern Illinoiz wiff dude wife an’ daughta. Vinturini’z novel, Da Heart Doez Not Grow Back, foathcomn’ from Picada n’ Novemba, be about a regular teinaga, use’ ta bin’ a nonperson at dude small-town Midwestern high school, until dude life takez a bizara turn wen ’n unthinkable catastrofe revealz ’n inexplicable powa: dude can reginerate dude organz an’ limbz.
Jamez Brubaka be da autha uv Pilot Season (Sunnyoutside Prezz) an’ Lina Notez (foathcomn’ from Subito Prezz). Dude zhoatz ztoriez be appeare’ n’ variouz journalz, includn’ Zoetrope: All Story, Hobart, Michigan Quarter’ Review, Da Collagis’, an’ Da Normal School. Brubaka teachez creative writn’ at Southeas’ Missouri State Universitee, an’ helpz run da online literary journal, Da Collapsar. Dude lates’ work, Pilot Season, opinz on a televisyun executive attemptn’ ta shave dude floundern’ network’z fall rosta, den movez thro a steady stream uv absurd televisyun pilotz roote’ n’ da executive’z anxietiez, dizappointmintz, an’ aliinashun from dude fami.
Da Book Crib be ’n indepindent bookstoa dat haz do be fami owne’ an’ operate’ fo’ova 25 yearz, locate’ n’ da heart uv historic downtown Maplewood. Dey boas’ ’n eclectic mix uv ova 350,000 raa, out-uv-print, new, an’ use’ bookz, acquire’ from hundredz uv collecshunz, aucshunz, an’ zupplierz. A porshun uv da proceedz zuppoatz Second Chapta Life Cinta fo’young adultz wiff developmintal dizabilitiez an’ da Fosta an’ Adoptive Caa Coalishun.
You can find out moe about da autha readn’ at aicshonkwila.com an’ at da Facebook evint page.”
Search Tags: Eric Shonkwiler, Above All Men, The Missouri Sentinal, The Missouri Sentinel, Fred Venturini, Scott Phillips, James Brubaker