Eric was mentioned in Joe Gross’ article in The Reader section of the newspaper, The Austin Statesman, about Eric’s Austin author reading with Lauren Becker, Vincent Scarpa, and Ray Shea, on his 35-stop national book tour, which made a stop at Malvern Books:
“Malvern Books hosts Eric Shonkwiler, Ray Shea, Vincent Scarpa, and Lauren Becker
Malvern Books hosts Eric Shonkwiler, Ray Shea, Vincent Scarpa, and Lauren Becker, 7 p.m., Sept. 5, as they read from their latest work. Copies of their published books will be available for purchase, and the authors will engage in a Q&A discussion, followed by book signings and mingling. The event is free and open to the public.
Vincent Scarpa is a James Michener Fellow in Fiction at the University of Texas-Austin. His stories and essays have appeared in Hayden’s Ferry Review, The Austin Review, and other journals. He is the host of the podcast, Two Birds One Stoned, with the writer Jess Stoner.
Eric Shonkwiler’s work has appeared in The Millions, Fiddleblack, and elsewhere. His debut novel, Above All Men (MG Press), appeared in early 2014.
Ray Shea’s writing has appeared in The Rumpus, Hobart, and elsewhere. His essay, “Forensic Biography and the Art of the Screenwriter,” was recently a finalist for the Phoebe 2014 Annual Creative Nonfiction Award.
Lauren Becker is the editor of Corium Magazine. Her work has appeared in Tin House (online), Los Angeles Review, and elsewhere. Her book of short fiction, If I Would Leave Myself Behind (Curbside Splendor), was released in June.”
Search Tags: Eric Shonkwiler, Above All Men, Austin Statesman, Malvern Books, Lauren Becker, Vincent Scarpa, Ray Shea, Joe Gross