published in Verdad

An excerpt of Eric’s debut novel, Above All Men, was published in Verdad Fall 2013, Volume 15. The journal is an online, twice-yearly literary and fine arts journal that showcases unpublished poetry, short stories, non-fiction, and visual art, and often features excerpts of unpublished novels in-the-works. The excerpt first appeared in an earlier draft in Verdad Volume 8, and as the now-completed novel’s release date approaches, the journal again featured the same excerpt in the current Volume 15, now in the piece’s finished form. PLEASE NOTE: This excerpt contains a number of important plot spoilers. While it is an excellent cross-section sample of the novel, if you don’t want an integral climactic scene spoiled for you, you will NOT want to read this excerpt. If you don’t mind the spoilers, you can read the excerpt here.